Get Better Starts

The Timer screen makes it easy to stay on top of your starting time, giving you the options of rolling starts and turning on the audible countdown timer so you can keep your eyes out of the boat.

The Start screen takes a lot of the guesswork out of your starts and burn time information makes it easier to hit the line at speed. In this example:

  • Burn time to both ends indicate you are able to reach the port end and starboard end without being over early
  • Burn time straight shows you early by 5 seconds and need to burn off speed to start on time

The Start Analysis screen appears immediately after the start and provides a performance snapshot of your boat’s speed, distance from the line, and true wind angle at the start. The data is saved to provide you with starting trend analysis over time.

Get Up to Speed Faster

After starting, the Speed screen, provides information about how the boat is performing against a standard polar or a customized polar. This ensures the boat is sailing at optimum speed and point for the conditions.

Sail the Course More Quickly

Sail the course more quickly by understanding wind trends more clearly and visualizing tidal current direction and strength.

View your boat and racing track over a Google map in real-time to better manage your laylines.